Under a consultation announced by the government, private landlords in England will need to upgrade their properties to meet a minimum Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C by 2030, however for new tenancies the deadline is to be 2028.
The government says this new requirement will improve living standards for renters and reduce energy costs in just over half of properties in this sector as currently 48% of private rentals meet this standard. The government’s consultation is inviting feedback from tenants and landlords on plans to boost living standards in the Private Rental Sector and lower energy costs. Key proposals include starting with fundamental improvements like insulation and double glazing before considering options such as batteries, solar panels and smart meters.
A cap of £15,000 per property is proposed, with funding available through existing schemes. An affordability exemption could reduce this to £10,000 based on rent levels or council tax band, with all rented homes required to meet the new standard by 2030.